This is much better than the original Interactive Buddy app and Im glad to see you used some of the ideas I gave you (on my other iTunes account), but I still think it lacks a few features. First of all, I think you should add back in the ability to talk to the buddy (and in this case, buddies), as well as an option to use the devices accelerometer to control the gravity (OPTION is the key word here). I also miss being able to tickle the buddy, change backgrounds, and activate certain modes, such as zero gravity. But most of all, there should be a way to add custom "gestures" to add in items to replicate the method of adding items in the first Interactive Buddy. For example, you could hold with one finger and tap with another to add a baseball, hold with two fingers and tap with one to add a basketball, and hold with one finger and double-tap with two fingers to throw a grenade.
There should also be a way to dress up and/or re-skin the buddies. It would be really awesome if you could completely customize buddies by choosing an appearance, personality traits and a name.
It would really improve the experience a lot, especially for large scenes, if you could add more objects into the scene at a time. Also, more customization options would be nice. And of course, more items.
The buddies also dont interact with enough objects. They use baseballs to play catch, or just to toss around, but thats about it. They should be able to dribble and pass basketballs, bowl, play Frisbee, have snowball fights, and more.
After you buy all of the objects, there isnt really anything to do with the coins you earn, other than trying to "save up" for the items that are released during the next update. It would be nice if you could add something to do with those leftover coins.
What if you could control the weather? For example, you could press a button to make it rain, and you wouldnt have to touch anything else until you turned it off. There could be options for rain, snow, hail, lightning, earthquakes, tornadoes, and so on.
Also, the way the buddies behave together just doesnt seem realistic. Usually, its either love at first sight, or one buddy just, for whatever reason, cant stand the other. They need to at least get to know each other before they start making judgements. And their opinion of each other just changes so fast! Lots of apologies, mood swings, on-and-off dating; its just not realistic. Its also really annoying how much they talk about dating. But most importantly, I hate how they "lose their memories" whenever the app is shut down. I really wish they would have the same relationship toward each other after the app was shut down and reopened (friends, enemies, etc.).
Also, the app doesnt support multitasking very well at all. If I switch over to another app, everything is pretty much reset. Please fix this!
One last thing: please add more conversations! There are definitely a lot more conversations than the first Interactive Buddy, but sometimes they still just seem to say the same things over and over again. And I havent looked at the coding, but if you havent already, please add a mechanic that prevents the buddies from saying the same thing twice within a certain period of time.
My gift to you for reading this loooong review: a few marketing tips. The buddy frequently says the game doesnt have a "point". Change this so he says the game has "no real goal". If he says there is no point, people will get the idea that the game is "pointless" and they wont enjoy the game as much. Also, after you add more items, purchasable coin packs wouldnt be such a bad idea.
If youre going to include these features, please add them in an update instead of making an Interactive Buddy 3. I dont really want to have to pay another dollar every time new features are added. Thanks!
Overall, this is a solid app, and its definitely worth $0.99.
grady404 about Interactive Buddy 2